NEW version (1440 x 900)
As in the previous version, the script sets up a new character for you, entering in skills and some defaults and "help" text to get you started. Most items should be reasonably straightforward. In this version, I have greyed-out fields that are not user-modifiable to make it more clear what is an editable field.
The character sheet is broken down into several logically-distinct groups of items which I will describe below. At the top is basic character information: name, race, class, and the like. To the left is the block of attributes, saving throws, and attacks. The upper middle section contains stat blocks for up to four pieces of armor, and up to four weapons. There are free-form text boxes for feats, spoken languages, notes, and equipment. The right column contains the skills workspace.
Basic Character Information
Basic character information is found at the very top of the character sheet. It includes biographical information split into free-form text fields for the character name, race, sex, hair and eye color, age, height, weight, alignment and religion/deity. There is also space for size (a drop-down of the official sizes), base speed (including swim, burrow, and fly speed), and maneuverability, all free-form fields.
Game mechanics begin on the second line as well with AC and HP. The AC fields are free-form but should include only numbers. The AC total is auto-calculated as 10 plus size modifier plus dex modifier (taking into account the max dex limitations imposed by currently-worn armor) plus the sum of the natural armor, misc, two temp fields, and the AC fields of all worn armors (those with the check box checked). The intent is that the 'misc' field should include long-term bonuses such as an ioun stone, while the 'temp' fields can correspond to spells or other temporary effects. Hit points are also tracked as a maximum value, current value, and a separate field for subdual damage.
Miss chance, initiative modifier, and damage reduction are also free-form as there are too many things which modify these values to realistically calculate them all. The arcane spell failure and check penalty fields are calculated based on worn armor. Adjustment fields exist for both of these fields to accommodate nonstandard situations.
And last but not least is the workspace for level. Note that character level is a calculated field based on the experience points total entered to the left. Single-class characters can enter their standard PHB class and base attacks and saves will be calculated based on that class and the computed level. Multi-class characters will need to enter their various classes so the program knows how to compute base attacks and saves. Up to four character classes are supported, entered in the form "class0 level, class1 level, class2 level, class3 level". For example, "cleric 3, fighter 2". It is up to the user to manually advance the desired class for a multi-class character when the calculated level increases. No automatic advancement takes place.
Attributes, Saves, and To-Hit
Base attributes are the character's unmodified physical stats. These are chosen at character creation, and increase every 4th level, by a wish or miracle, or a few other uncommon events. The ITEMS column is intended to reflect the effect of permanent magic items that a character commonly wears or carries, such as a belt of giant strength or cloak of charisma. The TEMP column can be used for more temporary effects such as spells. The MOD column reflects the attribute modifier that results from adding together BASE, ITEMS, and TEMP values for each attribute. The MOD value is used throughout the character sheet as it pertains to skills, saves, and attack rolls.
Directly under the attributes section is a set of boxes for saving throws. The leftmost column is the sum of the other three columns: base value (due to class and level), ability value (due to each save's linked attribute), and a misc column for other effects such as a cloak of resistance, certain spells, or other effects.
Below this are the melee and ranged to-hit calculations which proceed just as the saves do. The final value is computed according to class and level as well as size, plus the relevant ability modifier, and a misc column to capture melee or ranged attack bonuses which are not tied to individual weapons. Weapons each have their own to-hit modifier which is noted with the weapon itself.
Weapons and Armor
The character sheet supports up to four pieces of armor, which can be selectively marked as worn by checking the box in the upper left corner of each armor's stat block. The stat block consists of a name (something like "+3 animated large mithral shield") at the top, a description or notes field at the bottom, and a series of stats in the middle. These stats are AC (the bonus conferred by the armor when worn, including enhancement bonuses), arcane spell failure percentage, maximum dexterity modifier (enter 99 or some similarly high number if you are wearing armor which does not limit a character's maximum dexterity), an armor check penalty, and a weight in pounds. The arcane spell failure percentages are informative only, but are summed for all worn armors and noted at the top of the character sheet. The max dex entries limit a character's effective dexterity, and are taken into account when calculating AC. Armor check penalties are likewise summed and taken into account by the skill section of the character sheet.
Similarly, the character sheet accommodates up to four weapons. The weapon stat blocks consist of a name (something like "+3 unholy keen scimitar") at the top, a description or notes field at the bottom, and a series of stats in the middle. These stats are to-hit modifier (as from a +1 weapon), damage ("4d6 + STR"), critical ("17-20/x2"), and a weight in pounds. All these fields are free-form and can be entered in whatever format makes most sense to the user.
The skills calculator is entirely customizable. The setup script pre-fills a standard set of skills, but they can be changed. The name field is a free-form text field, allowing the user to fill in a craft skill, profession, or knowledge skill, or to create something completely new in its place. The listed linked attribute is a drop-down list of the six attributes, allowing for custom skill combinations. Skill modifiers are the sum of the linked attribute's modifier, skill ranks, and miscellaneous modifier.