The Monkey House

< Gaming : D&D : Campaigns : Savage Tide >

The game has been discontinued, remixed and reimagined, and restarted. Notes from the restart are located on the Savage Tide v.2.0 page.

"The Friday Game" is running through the Savage Tide adventure path. These are their stories.

05 October 2007 Dungeon delving in the thieves' guild beneath the taxidermist's shop
 885.511xleather armor, rapier, sap, hand crossbow, thieves' tools
 82.5 3 courtiers outfits, 1 nobles outfit
 350 alabaster succubus
 100 onyx displacer beast
 500 silver unicorn
 50 crystal ball
 300 2 jewelry boxes
 300 silver and gold necklaces, bracelets
 550 rings, earrings
 372.5nice leather armor, nice buckler, nice rapier, hand crossbow (assume 'nice' == masterwork)
 ? Halfling: ring, ring, necklace (brooch on chain)
 5450 chest 2 {coinage, small valuables, etc.} (~5k)
 500 gold earrings, jewelled necklace
 200 20 bottles generic perfume
 ? nice lizard collar w/ gold and gems
 ? masterwork silvered dagger
 ? Non-magical gold ring from Pinkus
 ? gold (holy?) symbol of Olidimarra
 ? rusty chainmail
 ? 2 elixirs of swimming
 ? 2 potions of something
 ? 36 vials of Urchin ichor
 200 set of silver flensing knives w/ ivory handles
 ? 1 thieves' guild mistress (corpse)
 ? 2 potions (different?)
 ? 2 wands (animate dead, 5 charges; charm person, 35 charges)
 100 10 bolts (poisoned)
 200 4 silver lanterns
 ? books (adventure novels, erotica)
 ? Sasserine landscape, 3x good bottles of wine, thick carpet
 ? lingeree (shimmering lavendar silk)
 ? crystalline chandelier, silk bedding
 ? 4 bottles exotic perfumes
 10000vanderborn loot - chest 1 {gold, gemstones} (returned)
 ? Fancy bath (15x15 white marble tile, etc.)
12 October 2007 Pirate hunting in Blood Bay
 ? 5 sets nice studded leather, 4 scimitars
 10 Well-used cleaver
 ? Nice kukri
 ? Gold nose ring with a silver chain linking it to a silver earring
 ? Ruby ring
 ? Slippers
 ? 2 tables worth of varied books (maps, Goblinoid cooking, jungle botany, etc.)
 ? A few ships' nameplates; leatherbound nautical charts
 ? 3 locked seachests (DC 30 locks)
 ? 1 emerald brooch, 3 garnets, 5 pearls
17 October 2007 Pirate hunting in Blood Bay, continued
 ? gnome: jars, vials, 2-ft long fleshy tadpole-like thing
 490 nice studded leather, nice rapier (assumes nonmagical)
 ? purple silk cloak with emerald clasp, silver locket (portrait of angrypants)
 412 300 xbow bolts, 3 shortswords, 5 rapiers, 2 longswords, 2 scimitars, 2lt crossbows, 1 hvy xbow, 2 battleaxes, a greataxe, 4 throwing axes (assumes none magic/masterwork)
 ? well-appointed bedroom: nice studded leather armor (needs make whole), nice rugs
 2280 12 {scimitars, nice studded leather} (assumes none magic; leather masterwork)
late October 2007 Wugs, wugs, and more wugs?
 ? Leather armor; nice spear; potion (wug cleric)
 162.5nice studded leather armor, nice scimitar, Pirate accoutrements, 17gp (half-orc)
 13 Studded leather; 2 hand axes (cigar-chompin wug)
 ? hide armor; great club; wooden crown; potion (tough basement wug)
 340 20x leather armor; 60x throwing axes (wug mooks)

Version 0.4     |     Content date: 14 December 2008     |     Page last generated: 2024-06-08 08:09 CDT